This 80-page practical workbook was written with today's busy real estate agent in mind! Each page is chocked-full with actionable strategies to help real estate agents understand how to leverage technology to connect with clients, gain competitive advantages and ultimately grow your business. Individual agents will save dozens of hours wasted cycling from one technology solution to the other by relying on the tested and tried apps and tech tools referenced in this book.
Brokers and Team Leaders, you'll want to teach each of the six units to your agents to make sure they are ethically compliant and better prepared to serve their clients. There is a companion "Instructor" workbook designed with customized notes to help instructors and real estate coaches present this content in classroom or one-on-one coaching settings.
The six units in this 80-page interactive volume are:
Unit 1 : Tech + You - Learning Objectives include:
1. Understand how technology continues to transform our world;
2. Discover the massive amounts being invested into applying technology in the real estate industry.
Action Items include:
1. Complete “Where Did My Business Come From?” Activity
2. Schedule monthly "Tech Tool Review"
Unit 2 : Tech + Your Budget - Learning Objectives include
1. Learn how to set up and track your annual marketing budget
2. Identify your key business levers
3. Learn how to calculate the net profit per dollar for your various marketing tools
4. Learn what to look for in a CRM
5. Learn what to look for in a business website
6. Learn what to look for in a computer/tablet.
Action Items include:
1. Complete “My Real Estate App Audit” activity
2. Complete “Setting Your Marketing Budget” activity
3. Complete “Identify Your Business Levers & Opportunities” activity
4. Complete Case Study #1
5. Complete “Evaluating Your Website’s Performance” activity.
Unit 3: Tech + Etiquette - Learning Objectives include:
1. Identify best practices for tech etiquette
2. Identify best practices for tech safety.
Action Items include:
1. Discuss tech etiquette best practices.
Unit 4: Tech + Communication - Learning Objectives include:
1. Analyze your current communication platforms and systems
2. Define your brand
3. Develop an understanding of how to communicate with customers and clients
4. Understand best practices for email
5. Introduction to Predictive Analytics
6. Introduction to VR and AR real estate applications
7. Identify unique advantages of video marketing
8. Identify ideal opportunities to use video chat with clients.
Action Items include:
1. Defining My Why, My How, My Message
2. What Does My Marketing Say About My Brand Identity?
3. How to Create a Buyer/Seller Survey using Google Forms
4. My Communication Roadmap
Unit 5: Tech + Social - Learning Objectives include:
1. Discover best practices for utilizing social media to spread your core message, engage with clients and meet new customers
2. Identify best practices for posting on various social media networks.
Action Items include 1.
Follow a Local Neighborhood on Instagram
2. Create your personal social media strategy.
Unit 6 : Tech + Tools - Learning Objectives include:
1. Discover today’s top Apps
2. Learn which apps other agents are using to enhance their business.
Action Items include 1. "There’s an App for That" activity.
In summary, this beautifully designed and action-oriented workbook will help real estate agents better understand how to leverage various forms of technology to craft a personalized approach that best serves your clients, builds efficiency, and maximizes your bottom line. The six modules walk readers through a step-by-step game plan for implementing existing tech into your daily real estate business. Get ready to "grow" to the next level!
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